Series: Psalms: Making the Connections

Psalm 23:4-6: Song of the Shepherd, Part 2

January 16, 2022 | Dr. Gary Hylander
Passage: Psalms 23:4-6

Psalm 23:4-6

In 2 Samuel 15 we have the recorded time in David’s life when Absalom
rebelled against him and attempted to topple him from the throne of Israel.
David needed to flee into the Judean wilderness, where his life was in
jeopardy. Claiming the promise of God set forth in 2 Samuel 7, David put
his trust in the LORD, his Shepherd-King while awaiting his return to
Jerusalem. It is likely that, because so much of his youth was spent as a
shepherd in that same region, David used these circumstances to inspire his
23rd Psalm.

As we noted last week, the LORD was David’s starting point, as he
reflected upon his Shepherd-King. In the first three verses, David offered
four reasons why I shall not want. Each reason stated begins with the
pronoun He. In today’s passage, David is able to state I will fear no evil. He
then proceeds to give three reasons for such faith. Each reason is
highlighted by the pronoun You. Let’s ponder the remaining part of Psalm
23, and relate our findings to our lives.

Note How The LORD, Our Shepherd-King, Leads, Protects, And Guides His People.


Series Information

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