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calendar_today November 27, 2022

Genesis 35: The Bethlehem Story, Part 1

person Dr. Gary Hylander
sell Advent
menu_book Genesis 35:1-35:21

The little town of Bethlehem provides us with rich insights into God’s story of redemption. Rachel’s tomb, positioned just outside of Bethlehem, reminds us of God’s faithfulness throughout life’s journey (Genesis 35:19). Ruth the Moabitess made her home in Bethlehem, and is remembered as the ancestress of David (Ruth 4:11-22).

In 1 Samuel 16, we are told that the prophet Samuel was sent by God to Bethlehem, so as to anoint a new king. It was there that David shepherded his father’s sheep. Being called in from the pasture, David was anointed king over Israel (1 Samuel 16:13). After David’s time, Bethlehem was rarely mentioned until the Eighth Century B.C. prophet named Micah spoke of Bethlehem being the birthplace of the one who would rule Israel, whose coming forth is from old, from ancient days (Micah 5:2). It was in Bethlehem where Christ was born, as attested to by both shepherds and the Magi (cf Mt 2; Lk 2). Let’s begin our advent journey with Jacob, as we examine Genesis 35, and note how this passage points us toward the setting of Christ’s birth.

To Move Forward Wisely On Life’s Journey, Note…
– The Spiritual Renewal We Need To Seek. (1-8)
– The Gracious Changes We Need To Commemorate. (9-15)
– The Challenging Extremes We Need To Anticipate. (16-21)
