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calendar_today April 9, 2023
sell Easter
menu_book Matthew 27:57-28:20

Matthew 27:57-28:20: Just As He Said

person Dr. Gary Hylander
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To face the future with genuine hope, we need to live our lives based upon authentic truth, not empty promises. As Jesus slowly made his way to Jerusalem, he began to teach his disciples that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and after three days rise again. Mark records this teaching in these consecutive chapters, as found in 8:31; 9:30-31; and 10:33-34. The promise made was authentic truth, as born out in history.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the historical fact which all of us need to face. This event validates Christ’s claims to be the Son of God (Romans 1:4). It assures us that when we put our faith in Christ for our salvation, Christ’s sacrifice for sin has been accepted, and that the work of salvation has been completed (John 19:30; Romans 4:24-25). It guarantees eternal life for all who have put faith in Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 20). So on this Easter Sunday of 2023, let’s embrace the words spoken at the empty tomb, which are He is not here for he has risen, as he said (Matthew 28:6).

If You Are Seeking Authentic Truth, Not Empty Promises, Consider The Reality Of…

Christ’s Distinctive Burial. (27:57-61)
Christ’s Secured Tomb. (27:62-66)
Christ’s Resurrected Body. (28:1-10)
Christ’s Determined Opponents. (28:11-15)
Christ’s Global Impact. (28:16-20)