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calendar_today March 20, 2022

Psalm 46: God of the Battle

person Dr. Gary Hylander

Psalm 46 is set in a collection of kingship psalms, which encompassesPsalms 45-48. This collection begins with the proclamation that Israel’s Godand his Messiah reign over all the nations of the earth. As noted last week,the Messianic King is the eternal God (Elohim) who has been anointed by hisGod (Psalm 45:6-9). Here we are informed that the Messiah has twonatures, both human and divine.In Psalm 46, we are introduced to a crisis situation, depicting a battleinvolving Israel. Could this describe God’s deliverance of Jerusalem from theAssyrian troops during the days of King Hezekiah (2 Kings 18-19)? God(Elohim) is described as dwelling in his holy place, the city of Elohim, inwhich he serves as the fortress of his people (Psalm 46:4-5). It was this textwhich stirred Marin Luther to pen the song A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. Inthese days of international turbulence, let’s note how this psalm relates tomodern day life.

In Turbulent Times, Focus Upon God’s Sovereign Presence. . .- Even When Nature Is In Upheaval. (1-3)
– Even When Jerusalem Is Being Threatened. (4-7)
– Even When War Seems To Be Inevitable. (8-11)
