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calendar_today March 27, 2022

Psalm 49: Of Proverbs and Riddles

person Dr. Gary Hylander

Psalm 49 is the last in the collection penned by the Sons of Korah (Pss 42-49)found in Book Two of the Psalms. Furthermore, Psalm 49 follows a collectionof kingship psalms, which speak of God (Elohim) and God’s Messiahestablishing sovereign reign over the nations. If we look carefully, we willnotice that both Psalm 49 and Psalm 50 open with a clear summons to all thepeople of this world (compare Psalm 49:1-2 and Psalm 50:1).
The psalmist in Psalm 49 wants each and everyone of us to reflect uponmatters of life and death. One becomes reflective when reading these versesbecause they require us to distinguish between what is permanent and whatis temporary. God offers ultimate hope for those who put trust in theMessiah, for as the key verse of this psalm states: But God will ransom my soulfrom the power of Sheol, for he will receive me. Selah (49:15). Clearly, this is astatement about resurrection!

As We Ponder The Issues Of Life And Death, Note…- The Summons We Need To Heed. (1-4)
– The Question We Need To Answer. (5-12)
– The Promise We Need To Believe. (13-15)
– The Perspective We Need To Maintain. (16-20)
