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calendar_today July 3, 2022

Psalm 67: When a Nation Is Blessed

person Dr. Gary Hylander

Psalm 67 is positioned within Book Two of the Psalms, and is part of fourpsalms (Psalms 65-68) which emphasize the certain, undisturbed reign ofGod’s chosen King. Once again we note how the psalmist uses the generalname for God (Elohim) rather than the relational, covenantal name for ourLORD (Yahweh). The Gentile nations seem to be the intended audience,where by through the teaching of this collection, unbelievers will recognizethe exclusive nature of God.

Genesis 12:1-3 and Numbers 6:24-26 serve as the background for thispsalm. Notice how the word bless (bârak) is used in these verses. The termbless conveys the idea of a gift bestowed by God upon an individual, group,or nation. In Genesis 12:3, the LORD informed Abram in you all the familiesof the earth shall be blessed. As we approach our Fourth of July celebrations,let’s ponder how God’s words to Abram pertain to this nation.

As We Consider The Blessing Of God Upon People, Note…
– The Purpose God Has Established. (1-3)
– The Praise God Has Deserved. (4-5)
– The Provisions God Has Made. (6-7)
