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calendar_today September 4, 2022

Psalm 90: From Everlasting to Everlasting

person Dr. Gary Hylander

As we transition from Book 3 to Book 4 in the Psalms, a change in tonebecomes apparent to us. In Book 3, the psalmists reviewed the variousinternational conflicts endured by the Jewish people. Invasion afterinvasion is described in poetic form, with David’s throne seeminglylying in the dust of destruction in Psalm 89. However, in Book 4, theopening verse in Psalm 90 informs us that the Lord is our dwellingplace, and that our God is eternal. Hope is restored in these openingverses.
The superscription informs us that Psalm 90 is a prayer of Moses. In alllikelihood, this is the earliest of the psalms. We will want to connectwhat is described in Psalm 90 with the trials endured by Moses as heled the Israelites through the wilderness. Reflect upon Numbers 20:10,and ponder how the event described there shapes Moses’ words.Connect Deuteronomy 32 and 33 to various verses in Psalm 90. As wedo so, we will better understand God’s view of time and eternity.Welcome to Book 4!

As We Consider God’s Relationship To Our Time, Note…

– The Dwelling Place He Has Provided. (1-2)
– The Challenging Trials He Has Permitted. (3-12)
– The Steadfast Love He Has Exhibited. (13-17)
