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calendar_today September 11, 2022

Psalm 91: Shelter of the Most High

person Dr. Gary Hylander

Together, Psalms 90 and 91 serve as the double door entryway intoBook Four of the Psalms. This approach is identical to the way Psalms 1and 2 introduce Book One, Psalms 42 and 43 begin Book Two, andPsalms 73 and 74 serve as the duo starting point to Book Three. LikePsalm 90, a major theme in Psalm 91 involves dwelling in God. Forexiled Jewish readers who lost their dwelling in the land of Israel, thesewords bring soothing comfort to hurting hearts. Though exiled, they arenot abandoned.

Psalm 91 divides naturally into four parts. In Verses 1-4, try to identifythe various names for the sovereign ruler of the universe. In Verses5-10, note the extremes of life being described. Verses 11-13introduce us to the role of angels in God’s work. Look for the variousI will statements by God in Verses 14-16. As we examine these verses,note that the assurances found in Psalm 91 are exclusively for dwellers,for those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High.

As We Find Our Dwelling In Our Sovereign God, Note…

– The Various Names Describing Our God. (1-4)
– The Secure Refuge Provided By God. (5-10)
– The Angelic Presence Commissioned By God. (11-13)
– The Specific Promises Given By God. (14-16)
