Psalm 95: The Kneeling Posture
When we read through Psalms 92-100, we realize that this specialcollection of nine psalms emphasize the truth that the LORD is King(Yahweh Malak). These words are rooted in 1 Chronicles 16, a chapterthat places special emphasis upon the sovereignty of God.1 Chronicles 16 describes the moment when King David oversaw thetransport of the ark of God to Mt. Zion.
The psalm we are examining today, Psalm 95, is part of a trilogy ofpsalms which stress that the LORD is above all gods (Pss 95:3; 96:4;97:9). The expression, above all gods, is first introduced in 1 Chronicles16:25. It is thought that Psalm 95 was written to celebrate the Feastof Tabernacles upon the return of Jewish exiles from Babylon. Thispsalm is marked by two significant royal invitations to enter into ourLORD’s presence with hearts prepared to worship. Let’s allow thispsalm to teach our minds and hearts how to worship our LORD inspirit and truth (John 4:24).
Our Sovereign LORD Invites Us…
– To Come And Sing Our Praises To Him. (1-5)
– To Come And Offer Our Worship To Him. (6-11)