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calendar_today September 3, 2023

Psalms 149-150: The Climax of Praise

person Dr. Gary Hylander

As we conclude our two-year series in the Psalms, it seems fitting to end on a celebratory note of praise to the LORD. The last Davidic psalm, Psalm 145, is titled A Psalm Of Praise. Of David. David’s last psalm serves as a natural entry point to the Hallelujah Psalms, Psalms 146-150, which emphasize praise to our LORD. As we have noted, the expression Hallelujah is the fusion of two Hebrew words: Hallel, which means praise ye, and Jah, which is a contraction of the name for God, Yahweh.

The term Yah, a poetic abbreviation for Yahweh, first appears in the Bible in the opening phrase of the Song of Moses upon crossing the Red Sea, for which the people of Israel sang Yah is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation (Exodus 15:2). Praise was given to the LORD for what he accomplished. As we end our series in the Psalms, we give praise to God for what has been accomplished by his grace for his exclusive glory. Praise the LORD!

As We Begin And End With Hallelujah, Note…

The Corporate Worship Our LORD Deserves. (149:1-4)
The Certain Justice Our LORD Delivers. (149:5-9)
The Absolute Greatness Our LORD Possesses. (150:1-2)
The Comprehensive Ways Our LORD Is Honored. (150:3-6)