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calendar_today April 10, 2022

Zechariah 9:9-17: The Royal Entrance

person Dr. Gary Hylander
menu_book Zechariah 9:9-9:17

Zechariah 9:9-17 serves as the prophetic backdrop to the events associatedwith Palm Sunday, as described in all four gospel accounts. The passage weare exploring today is bookended by the two phrases The oracle of the word ofthe LORD (9:1, 12:1). The word oracle carries with it the idea of a burden orheavy weight. Thus, God wants us to sense the weightiness of what is beingpromised through Zechariah, offering us a fifth century B.C. prophecy.

Consider how this prophecy relates to when Jesus Christ made his way toJerusalem in preparation for his death and subsequent resurrection. Note thenear and distant aspects of this promise. Look for the first and secondcomings of the Messiah in these verses. The teachings of this text relate toChrist’s entrance into Jerusalem and beyond, connecting the past, thepresent, and the future in a manner which has direct bearing upon globalevents. Allow these verses to prepare your heart for Maundy Thursday, GoodFriday, and Easter Sunday.

As We Explore The Dominant Themes Associated With Palm Sunday, Note…
– The Promise Of The King. (9-10)
– The Blood Of The Covenant. (11-17)
