Christmas Marketplace

Shop while enjoying the sights and sounds of the season!
Women's Conference with Glenna Marshall

Featured Events

Visit our Events page to discover more upcoming opportunities to learn, serve, and connect with your church family.

Worship With Us

Join us for worship on Sunday Mornings!

We’re thrilled that you are seeking more information about our worship services and extend a warm welcome. Whether you’re a few minutes early or a few minutes late, you will be greeted by friendly people who can answer your questions. If you are a first-time guest, we would love to offer you a welcome gift.

Latest Message



Kids birth to grade 5 at eFree are invited to participate in our classes featuring age-appropriate worship and study on Sunday mornings. Preschool through grade 5 can come back for Awana on Wednesday nights!


Students in grades 6-12 are encouraged to attend service and worship with their parents. They are also invited to attend our mid-week RISEN program on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:15pm.


We are making a difference for the kingdom of God both locally and globally.

In the Great Commission, Jesus calls his followers to make disciples of all nations. Our mission to multiply His disciples both here in the Sheboygan area and globally is accomplished through our prayers, support, and service. Are you wondering where our needs are or how your special gifts might be used for our community? 

Did you visit recently?

We’re thankful and would love the opportunity to get to know you.

If you did not have an opportunity to fill out a Connection Card during your visit, please do so here!