Equip Classes

Sunday morning electives designed to build up the body of Christ

Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the Worship Center

Equip meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30am, and sessions are recorded for your convenience. We want to “Equip” you to be strong in your love for Jesus Christ, to lead in your own home, and to reach out to neighbors with the love of God.

The Equip title is based on Ephesians 4:11-16, especially verse 12 which says, “to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for building up the body of Christ”. View past sessions listed below, or find even more Equip series on our YouTube channel under playlists.

Equip topics will be varied and timely: We will learn about the foundations of Christian discipleship, how to build a Christian home, and how to engage the world around us in conversations about Jesus Christ. The goal of Equip will be to equip followers of Jesus Christ to show others how to follow Jesus, too.

Equip is relational: There will be opportunities to meet new friends and to enjoy fellowship at the beginning and end of each session. 

Equip is intergenerational, and we offer excellent options for everyone in the family.

Equip series are short:  We hope you will jump right in, especially if you have never been a part of Sunday morning options.

Current Series

The Lamp

The Word of God is “a lamp” to our feet. (Psalm 119:105) This means that as we make forward movement in our lives, we must consciously rely upon the promises, principles, and direction that come from the Bible. The word “lamp” indicates that the Word is not a searchlight, illuminating huge pathways, but a focused light, providing just enough insight and instruction to “take the next step” on life’s journey. That’s how God and his Word work as he leads us.

Moses-The Man Who Saw the Invisible God
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The Providence of God and the Sin of Antisemitism
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The Providence of God and the Sin of Antisemitism
Spiritual Disciplines
The Lamp
The Deliverers & Saviors of Israel
He Makes All Things New
The Future of Israel From the Prophet Ezekiel
Our Missions Story
God of All Seasons
The Jesus I Know
Purpose in Prayer
By Him, Through Him, For Him: A Study in Colossians
The Secret to Joy: A Study Through Philippians
The Love of God
Grief & Pain in the Plan of God
Called to Peace
The Friend Of God: A Character Study on Abraham
What Happens When We Die
Immanuel, God With Us: Advent 2021
Spiritual Disciplines - Training For the Christian Life