Kids Ministry

Kickstart Kids Ministry
Kids Ministry seeks to help kids grow in the knowledge and love of God.

And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; Colossians 1:9-10 (ESV)

Kickstart teaches Christ-centered biblical truth.
  • We teach the Bible faithfully.
  • We share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • We teach age-appropriate levels of biblical learning.
Kickstart is safe.
  • We background check all volunteers.
  • We provide at least two adults for each class.
  • We enforce security measures at drop-off and pick-up locations.
Kickstart is for kids.
  • We foster a welcoming and exciting environment.
  • We teach in creative ways to engage the heart and mind of each child.
  • We strive to make this time the best hour of every kid’s week.

Sunday Morning Classes

Kickstart offers Sunday morning classes for children from birth to fifth grade. Children learn age-appropriate biblical truth, connect with friends, and engage in exciting activities under the supervision of trained volunteers.
Using Lifeway’s Bible Studies for Life Curriculum, we walk through Bible stories in the Old and New Testaments, learning about topics such as God, the church and Jesus. For more information on the levels of learning, please visit the Lifeway website.
Ages & Stages: Levels of Biblical Learning

Marketplace Room

In addition to this rich curriculum, children get to see the Bible come to life in our Marketplace Room. Through hands-on activities, exciting dramas, authentic food and much more, children will discover that the Bible is not only alive and active, but how it applies to their everyday lives. Marketplace activities take place during the 9:30am class time.

Kids Ministry Classes

8:00am & 9:30am
Teal Room

8:00am & 9:30am
Blue Room

Purple Room

Yellow Room

Room E1 (lower level)

Room E2 (lower level)

Special Needs

Kids with special needs are warmly welcomed at our church. If your child has a special need, please contact Pastor Jacob Glewen so an individualized plan can be developed to best serve your child.


If your child shows symptoms of illness, please keep them at home. Together, we can provide a clean and healthy environment for our children.

Other suggestions:

  • Please have your child wash their hands before and after class.
  • Have only one parent drop-off and pick-up your child. This will help limit foot traffic and the number of people gathered at classroom entrances and exits before and after the services.
Awana Clubs
Engage Kids With the Gospel and Build Lifelong Faith

Awana is built on the philosophy of child discipleship: Belong, Believe, Become. Children build spiritual resilience when they feel they belong to Jesus, when they believe in the truth of the Bible, and then when they become disciple-makers themselves

What happens at an Awana club?

Large Group Time

Kids gather for Bible teaching, worship, announcements, and awards. This is a great opportunity for kids to hear the gospel and Biblical truth directly from pastors, missionaries, and leaders.


Small Group Time

Relationships and a sense of belonging develop in small groups as kids huddle up with a consistent leader week after week to discuss Bible lessons, ask and answer important questions, pray together, and memorize Scripture.

Group Activity Time

Fellowship and fun are encouraged through team-building games and activities.

What will kids be learning in Awana?

Cubbies | Preschool (age 3 by September 1)

Celebrate the spiritual potential of preschoolers by helping them learn core truths about God, Jesus, and salvation.

Sparks | 5K – Grade 2

Sparks ignites children’s curiosity and builds a foundation for knowing Jesus Christ.

Truth and Training (T&T) | Grades 3-6

T&T encourages kids to explore the meaning of God’s grace and how it affects our relationship with him and others.

What does Awana mean?

Awana is an acronym that stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed and is based on 2 Timothy 2:15 – “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth”.

What is the cost?

Annual registration – $19.00 per child

Handbook – $13.00 per child

Uniforms are available at a separate cost but are not required.

We never want costs to keep a child from attending Awana. If you cannot afford some or all the Awana expenses, please contact Pastor Jacob Glewen ( to inquire about scholarship availability.

Parent & Child Dedication

"For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition that I made to him".
1 Samuel 1:27

While we do not baptize infants, we do observe Parent and Child Dedications, which are designed to thank God for the blessing of children and ask God to bring the child to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

The Parent and Child Dedication requires parents who have committed their way to the Lord and who are asking for wisdom, direction and grace in their parenting.  In a Parent and Child dedication, we also ask the church family to be actively and faithfully involved in helping the parents raise their kids in the nurture and wisdom of God.

We typically hold Parent and Child dedications at least twice each year.

Parent & Child Dedication

Kids Ministry Team

Jacob Glewen
Jacob Glewen

Pastor of Kids Ministries

The Kids Ministry at eFree seeks to help kids grow in knowledge and understanding of God and His word. The Bible is an incredible true story about how the God of the universe created us, loves us, and died for us so that we can be saved. We want kids to experience the love of God each and every Sunday. We teach Biblical truth in engaging, safe, and age appropriate ways, and strive to equip you as the parent to continue discipleship in your home. We look forward to partnering with you as we guide kids to grow in knowledge and love for God.

Jacob Glewen
Michael Vaszily

Elder and Kids Ministries Advisor

It’s a blessing and honor to serve with the Sheboygan eFree Kids Ministry team as we set out to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We see our role as supporting parents in accomplishing this ever important mission. As a parent of three, I understand the challenges families face today. I also know the amazing impact the true living God can have in helping us (parents) love, teach and train these children in the way they should go. Stop in and check us out. We look forward to partnering with you!

Serve With Us

We rely on many volunteers to serve the kids in our ministry programs. If you are interested in serving in this way, please click below to apply to be part of our ministry team!