Men's Ministries

Men's Ministries exists to multiply followers of Jesus Christ by defining and inspiring obedience in each role that God has placed us.
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 ESV

We examine and apply the Scriptures as offensive and defensive weapons against temptation and sin. Please join us for Men’s Ministry events, weekly prayer meetings, or Bible study. For questions about this ministry, contact Pastor Jon MacDonald

Upcoming Events
Men's Bible Study
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Men's Prayer Breakfast

Men's Bible Studies

Men's Bible Study- More Like Jesus

More Like Jesus: Gospel of Mark Study

Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm in Superior, September-April

 When the men who love Jesus show up, we help each other, encourage one another, give up our lives to know God, and serve our people – to serve his people. This church is full of men who are doing this. Men who are excellent at their careers and crafts. Men who guard the perimeters so there is safety and growth within the borders.

As men, we need daily reminders that Jesus is both the reason that we live and the strength to keep on going. Those men who step up are the ones becoming More Like Jesus. When the men who love Jesus show up, we help each other, encourage one another, give up our lives to know God, and serve our people – to serve his people. This church is full of men who are doing this. Men who are excellent at their careers and crafts. Men who guard the perimeters so there is safety and growth within the borders. As men, we need daily reminders that Jesus is both the reason that we live and the strength to keep on going. Those men who step up are the ones becoming More Like Jesus.

Gospel of Mark
Wednesday nights from 6:30-8pm (running concurrently with KidsMin and Student Ministries), we’ll study all the reasons that Mark lays out for us to believe that Jesus is the one and only Messiah whom God promised would come. Men, he has come. And he has changed everything.

A collaboration of excellent teachers will lead us, and we will encourage one another. More than a study, this is an opportunity to participate, grow and change. If you have questions, reach out to Tom OlsonJosh McKinley, or Jon Vrzal.