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calendar_today August 14, 2022

Galatians 1:1-5: Take Me To The Cross

person Dr. Gary Hylander
sell Communion
menu_book Galatians 1:1-1:5

We are pausing in our expository series on the book of Psalms in order topartake of communion. The Lord’s Table commemorates the work of JesusChrist on the cross, where salvation was secured. Because of Christ’sfinished work regarding salvation, the penalty for sin was paid, the power ofsin was broken, and the presence of sin will be abolished. Furthermore, thecross of Christ is the supreme demonstration of God’s love for sinfulhumanity, and is the essential summary of Christian faith (1 Corinthians2:2).

The book of Galatians was composed within 15 years of Christ’s death andresurrection, about AD 48. Paul’s letter to the Galatians places heavyemphasis upon the cross, providing us with 7 significant assertionsconcerning the death of Jesus. The first of these 7 assertions, 1:1-5, servesas the introduction to the book, and will be the focus of our attention, aswe prepare our hearts for receiving the communion elements.

As We Reflect Upon Christ’s Work On The Cross, Consider The Following Phrases:

– Who Gave Himself > Christ’s Work Was Done Voluntarily. (4)
– For Our Sins > Christ’s Work Was Substitutionary. (4)
– To Deliver Us From The Present Evil Age > Christ’s Work Was Done Purposefully. (4)
– According To The Will Of Our God And Father > Christ’s Work Was Done Obediently . (4)
– And God The Father, Who Raised Him From The Dead > Christ’s Work Was Achieved Victoriously. (1)
