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calendar_today May 12, 2024
sell Mother's Day
menu_book Luke 2:39-52

Luke 2:39-52: Treasures of the Heart

person Dr. Gary Hylander
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The heart of Mary, the mother of Jesus, is revealed in the second chapter of Luke. Upon Christ’s birth, shepherds arrived in Bethlehem to witness what God had revealed. After this occurrence, Luke tells us that Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart (2:19). At the age of twelve, Jesus joined his parents in traveling to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Passover. It was such a memorable experience that, when the family returned to Nazareth, Mary treasured up all these things in her heart (2:51). Mary’s heart was a storehouse of treasures.

The story we are considering today highlights the wisdom of Jesus, cultivated in his loving home environment (2:40, 52). Note the various stages of Jesus’ growth: baby (2:16), child (2:40), boy (2:43), and finally just his name, Jesus (2:52). On this special day, when we pause to honor our mothers, let’s examine the relationship of Mary and Jesus, applying these truths to life.