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calendar_today October 2, 2022

Psalm 96: Above All

person Dr. Gary Hylander

Psalm 96 serves as the hub to nine psalms (Pss 92-100) which emphasizethe fact that the LORD is King (Yahweh Malak), or Yahweh reigns. Thesepsalms have their rooting in 1 Chronicles 16, which describes the timewhen the LORD’s throne was established in Jerusalem, in keeping with thepromise made by God to David about a perpetual kingdom.

In the very heart of these nine psalms is the phrase above all gods(Pss 95:3; 96:4; and 97:9). This expression is used to describe the LORD’ssupremacy over the false gods of this world. Compare this wording to1 Chronicles 16:25, where this phrase was first used. Clearly, the emphasisis upon our LORD’s universal reign. Psalm 96 is a song of praise, structuredaround five stanzas, and equips worshipers to declare the LORD’s kingshipover all nations.

As We Worship Our LORD Who Is Over All, Note…

– The First Stanza. (1-3)
– The Second Stanza. (4-6)
– The Third Stanza. (7-9)
– The Fourth Stanza. (10)
– The Fifth Stanza. (11-13)
