Prayer Ministry

Weekly Prayer Opportunities

Prayer Meeting

Tuesdays from 6:00 – 7:00pm

We begin and end with Scripture and pray for the advancement of God’s Kingdom in this generation.  Join us!

Seeking Him: Women's Ministry Prayer Initiative

As we pray, God changes us. He aligns our hearts to His. Our heart’s longing is to know Christ; to be firmly rooted in Him so that when hard winds batter against our lives, we’ll remain firm and steadfast in Him.

Each month we provide a new prayer focus in our monthly newsletter, along with correlating scriptures. Our team of praying women prays these scriptures over all the women of eFree in an ongoing way throughout the year. Please visit the Women’s Ministries page or contact Nikki MacDonald at for more information.

Women's Prayer Fellowship

Wednesdays, 10:45 – 11:30am

Women’s Prayer Fellowship offers the space to pray together with other women who are seeking God’s heart. We pray for those in need, for our community and the world. We want God to continue shaping our hearts and minds so that we become increasingly more like Christ in our biblical welcome and hospitality toward others.

Praise & Prayer Gathering

Every Sunday, 9:00 – 9:30am in Harbor Room

This praise and prayer gathering utilizes the church’s weekly prayer sheet, is fueled by the Sunday morning text, and focuses on seeking God for the effectiveness of the Sunday morning worship services. More information about this can be found on the calendar.