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2 Timothy 3:10-13: The Lord Rescues
Pastor Jon MacDonald
In 2 Timothy, Paul emphasizes God’s sovereignty: he saves the elect (2:10), he knows those who genuinely belong to him (2:19), he ‘may grant’ repentance to opponents (2:25-26), and, in all their rebellion, it is certain that false teachers ‘will not get very far’ (3:9).
In our study today (3:10-13), we see a description of a godly life complete with content, tripping hazards, and ongoing opposition. Note that Paul never asks the “why” question about godly suffering. Instead, he underscores the endurance and power that accompanies maturing godliness, and the certainty that, under God’s gracious sovereignty, “the Lord rescues” the godly from every persecution (3:11).
Messages: 11

2 Timothy 4:16-22: Come Before Winter
Dr. Gary Hylander

2 Timothy 4:9-15: Relational Wisdom
Dr. Gary Hylander

2 Timothy 4:6-8: To End Well
Dr. Gary Hylander

2 Timothy 4:1-5 Preach the Word
Pastor Jon MacDonald

2 Timothy 3:14-17: Inspired By God
Dr. Gary Hylander

2 Timothy 3:10-13: The Lord Rescues
Pastor Jon MacDonald

2 Timothy 3:1-9: In The Last Days
Dr. Gary Hylander

2 Timothy 2:20-26: In A Great House
Pastor Jon MacDonald

2 Timothy 2:14-19: The Word of Truth
Pastor Jon MacDonald

2 Timothy 2:8-13: Remembering Jesus
Dr. Gary Hylander