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Acts 28:17-22: The Hope of Israel
Pastor Jon MacDonald
While Fulfilling the Purposes of God for Your Life in Disciple-Making,
1. Minister to those in front of you, even as your prayers are answered (17a)
2. Find gracious and engaging on-ramps, starting with your testimony (17b-19)
3. Identify Jesus clearly. He is the "Hope of Israel." (20)
4. Wisely consider your listeners’ response (21-22)
Messages: 70
Acts 28:23-31: The Promise and the Kingdom
Dr. Gary Hylander
Acts 28:17-22: The Hope of Israel
Pastor Jon MacDonald
Acts 28:7-16: Journey’s End
Dr. Gary Hylander
Acts 27:39-28:6: God’s Interventions
Dr. Gary Hylander
Acts 27:27-38: An Unexpected Opportunity
Pastor Jon MacDonald
Acts 27:13-26: Restoring Hope
Dr. Gary Hylander
Acts 27:1-12: Mid-Course Adjustments
Dr. Gary Hylander
Acts 26:19-31: Courage for Every Circumstance
Pastor Aaron Brown
Acts 26:1-18: My Story
Dr. Gary Hylander
Acts25:23-26:1: After the Examination
Dr. Gary Hylander