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Better than Silver and Gold
Pastor Jon MacDonald
Sermon notes:
1. The scene of the miraculous (1-5)
2. The miracle itself (6-7)
3. The response to the miracle (8-10)
1. Treasure Christ above everything.
2. Healing is from God, healers (today) are not.
3. Your spiritual gift, used to boldly bear witness to Jesus Christ, accomplishes something greater than physical healing.
4. Expect persecution.
Messages: 70
Acts 28:23-31: The Promise and the Kingdom
Dr. Gary Hylander
Acts 28:17-22: The Hope of Israel
Pastor Jon MacDonald
Acts 28:7-16: Journey’s End
Dr. Gary Hylander
Acts 27:39-28:6: God’s Interventions
Dr. Gary Hylander
Acts 27:27-38: An Unexpected Opportunity
Pastor Jon MacDonald
Acts 27:13-26: Restoring Hope
Dr. Gary Hylander
Acts 27:1-12: Mid-Course Adjustments
Dr. Gary Hylander
Acts 26:19-31: Courage for Every Circumstance
Pastor Aaron Brown
Acts 26:1-18: My Story
Dr. Gary Hylander
Acts25:23-26:1: After the Examination
Dr. Gary Hylander