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calendar_today January 30, 2022

Psalm 24: King of Glory

person Dr. Gary Hylander

Psalm 24 is the last in a series of 5 kingship psalms (Pss 20-24), which findtheir impetus in the stirring words of Psalm 18:50, in which we are told Greatsalvation he brings to his king, and shows steadfast love to his anointed, to Davidand his offspring forever. Another unique feature to Psalm 24 is that it is acreation psalm preceding an acrostic psalm. This sequence occurs 3 times inBook One.

The opening words of Psalm 24 are, literally, to Yahweh (LORD). It is David’sway of highlighting that the LORD is sovereign over all. The passage dividesinto three natural parts, each which describes the LORD’s sovereignty. Verses1 and 2 refer to the LORD’s sovereignty over the creation. Verses 3 through 6 describe the LORD’s choice of his hill, known elsewhere in scripture as Zion.Verses 7 through 10 repeatedly refer to the King of Glory. Let’s examine thisgreat psalm, and allow it to stir our hearts to worship our LORD, who issovereign over all.

As We Consider The Sovereignty Of Our LORD, Note…

– The World That He Has Created. (1-2)
– The Hill That He Has Chosen. (3-6)
– The Kingship That He Has Emphasized. (7-10)

Messages: 71

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person Dr. Gary Hylander
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person Dr. Gary Hylander
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