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calendar_today October 30, 2022
menu_book Romans 5:1-5:2

Romans 5:1-2: Justified By Faith

person Dr. Gary Hylander
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Throughout much of the world, Protestant churches have distinguished this last Sunday in October as Reformation Sunday. It was on October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the castle in Wittenberg, touching off the Protestant Reformation. Nine times in the theses he repeated Docendi Sunt Christiani, which means ‘Christians must be taught.’

One of the major emphases in Luther’s concerns was for all peoples to understand what it means to be justified by grace. The words justify and righteousness are two forms of the same word. Justification is not a pardon God issues, nor is it a declaration of amnesty. In justification we are declared righteous, not made righteous. It comes on the basis of faith alone in Jesus Christ. Today, we will pause in our series in the Psalms and explore this important subject together.

Therefore, Since We Have Been Justified By Faith,
We Have Peace With God Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Through Him We Have Also Obtained Access By Faith Into This Grace In Which We Stand,
And We Rejoice In Hope Of The Glory Of God.

Messages: 169

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person Pastor Jacob Glewen
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menu_book Mark 10:13-22
1 2 3 17