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calendar_today March 2, 2014
menu_book 2 Corinthians 4:1-4:18

Treasure in "Plain, Brown, Wrappers"

person Howard Plucar
view_list Sunday Messages

God’s Gracious Promise . . .

Has Been Established Historically. (21-23)

Hagar Sarah
(Slave Woman) (Free Woman)
Ishmael Isaac

Can Be Explained Allegorically. (24-27)

Hagar/Ishmael Sarah/Isaac
Mount Sinai Jerusalem Above
Bondage Freedom
Salvation By Works Salvation By Grace

Must Be Applied Personally. (28-31)

The children of promise must expect persecution. (28-29)

The children of promise will receive the inheritance. (30-31)

Messages: 169

calendar_today 2 days ago
menu_book 2 Timothy 4:16-22
calendar_today September 10, 2024
menu_book 2 Timothy 4:9-15

Romans 5:1-11: Unconventional

person Pastor Torrey Zimmerman
view_list Sunday Messages
calendar_today September 5, 2024
menu_book Romans 5:1-11

Ephesians 5:15-21: Walk in Wisdom

person Pastor Aaron Brown
view_list Sunday Messages
calendar_today September 5, 2024
calendar_today August 19, 2024
menu_book 2 Timothy 4:6-8
calendar_today August 12, 2024
menu_book 2 Timothy 4:1-5
calendar_today August 4, 2024
menu_book Luke 23:44-49
calendar_today July 28, 2024
menu_book 2 Timothy 3:14-17
calendar_today July 21, 2024
menu_book 2 Timothy 3:10-13

Mark 10:13-22: Questions About the Kingdom

person Pastor Jacob Glewen
view_list Sunday Messages
calendar_today July 14, 2024
menu_book Mark 10:13-22
1 2 3 17