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calendar_today December 25, 2022

Matthew 2:1-12: The Bethlehem Story, Part 5

person Dr. Gary Hylander
sell Advent
menu_book Matthew 2:1-2:12

On this Christmas Day, we conclude our series entitled The Bethlehem Story by considering the memorable account of the Magi, bringing gifts to the one born king of the Jews. Why should such people set out for the West looking for this king? Testimonies are available from several sources that speak of a state of expectancy, a sense of anticipation of a coming King from Judea (see Suetonius The Life of Vespasian, 4:5).

The Magi are guided by a unique astronomical feature in the sky that guided them to the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Here is the sovereignty of God in full display, fulfilling the promise of the Eighth Century B.C. prophet named Micah that the ruler was to be born in Bethlehem of Judah. As we examine this remarkable story, contrast the Magi, the scribes, and King Herod in their reactions to Christ. Reflect upon how God sovereignly guided astronomical, political, and social events to fulfill the promise concerning Jesus Christ.

Messages: 5

Matthew 2:1-12: The Bethlehem Story, Part 5

person Dr. Gary Hylander
sell Advent
menu_book Matthew 2:1-2:12
calendar_today December 25, 2022

Micah 5:2-9: The Bethlehem Story, Part 4

person Dr. Gary Hylander
sell Advent
menu_book Micah 5:2-5:9
calendar_today December 18, 2022

1 Samuel 16:1-13: The Bethlehem Story, Part 3

person Dr. Gary Hylander
sell Advent
menu_book 1 Samuel 16:1-16:13
calendar_today December 11, 2022

Ruth 4: The Bethlehem Story, Part 2

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
sell Advent
menu_book Ruth 4:1-4:17
calendar_today December 4, 2022

Genesis 35: The Bethlehem Story, Part 1

person Dr. Gary Hylander
sell Advent
menu_book Genesis 35:1-35:21
calendar_today November 27, 2022