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calendar_today December 20, 2015

The Christmas Promise, Part 4

person Dr. Gary Hylander
sell Advent
menu_book Zechariah 6:1-6:15

In Considering The Messiah, Note . . .

The Final Deliverance Promised By God.(20-22)

Overthrow The Throne of Kingdoms (22a)

Sodom And Gomorrah (Genesis 18,19; Deut. 29:23)

Overthrow The Chariots And Their Riders (22b)

Pharaoh’s Armies And The Exodus (Exodus 15:1-5)

Every One By The Sword Of His Brother (22c)

The Midianites And Gideon (Judges 7:22)

The Personal Descriptions Provided ByGod. (23)

Zerubbabel My Servant

Make You Like A Signet Ring

I Have Chosen You

Messages: 5

The Unwrapped Gift

person Dr. Gary Hylander
menu_book John 1:14-1:14
calendar_today December 27, 2015

The Christmas Promise, Part 4

person Dr. Gary Hylander
sell Advent
menu_book Zechariah 6:1-6:15
calendar_today December 20, 2015

The Christmas Promise, Part 3

person Dr. Gary Hylander
sell Advent
menu_book Zechariah 3:1-3:10
calendar_today December 13, 2015

The Christmas Promise, Part 2

person Dr. Gary Hylander
sell Advent
menu_book Haggai 2:20-2:23
calendar_today December 6, 2015

The Christmas Promise, Part 1

person Dr. Gary Hylander
sell Advent
menu_book Haggai 2:1-2:9
calendar_today November 29, 2015