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calendar_today November 5, 2023

John 11:1-16: Rising Lazarus, Part 1

person Dr. Gary Hylander
menu_book John 11:1-11:16

At the end of John 10, we are told the Lord Jesus Christ went away again across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing at first, and there he remained (10:40). Clearly, Christ’s ministry was impactful, for we are told that many believed in him there (10:42). Far away from the conflicts with religious authorities in the temple, by all appearances ministering in the Galilean region seemed to be a safe place for effective service.
But Jesus never played it safe. Lazarus lies ill in Bethany of Judea, which is less than two miles from Jerusalem, just on the other side of the Mount of Olives. We will be informed that Lazarus dies, and it will be in that context that Jesus will proclaim, I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live (11:25). Jesus will raise Lazarus from the dead, the last of Jesus’ seven signs, setting in motion a series of events leading to Jesus Christ’s own death and resurrection.

As We Consider The Unexpected Ways Christ Reveals His Love, Note. . .

The Vital Purpose Our Lord Discloses. (1-4)
The Strategic Delay Our Lord Creates. (5-6)
The Threatening Condition Our Lord Faces. (7-10)
The Mature Faith Our Lord Desires. (11-16)

Messages: 9

John 11:38-57: Raising Lazarus, Part 3

person Dr. Gary Hylander
menu_book John 11:38-11:57
calendar_today November 19, 2023

John 11:17-27: Raising Lazarus, Part 2

person Dr. Gary Hylander
menu_book John 11:17-11:27
calendar_today November 12, 2023

John 11:1-16: Rising Lazarus, Part 1

person Dr. Gary Hylander
menu_book John 11:1-11:16
calendar_today November 5, 2023

John 9: And Came Back Seeing

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
menu_book John 9:1-9:41
calendar_today October 22, 2023

John 6:16-21: Out For a Walk

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
menu_book John 6:16-6:21
calendar_today October 15, 2023

John 6:1-14: More Than Enough

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
calendar_today October 8, 2023

John 5: A Poolside Healing

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
menu_book John 5:1-5:47
calendar_today October 1, 2023

John 4:46-54: That Was The Hour

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
menu_book John 4:46-4:54
calendar_today September 24, 2023

John 2:1-11: The Best For Last

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
menu_book John 2:1-2:11
calendar_today September 17, 2023