John 11:17-27: Raising Lazarus, Part 2
As we noted last week, our Lord reveals his love to us in unexpected ways. Upon being notified of Lazarus’s impending death, we would have thought that Jesus would have rushed to Bethany in order to heal Lazarus of his illness. But we must be careful with our expectations of God concerning matters of life and death. The foremost concern in this passage is the glory of God.
As the final sign performed by Jesus in this gospel, our Lord chooses to set in motion events leading to his death and resurrection. Rather than healing Lazarus of his illness, Jesus times his arrival to raise Lazarus from the grave. By demonstrating that he possesses resurrection power, Christ alone has the right to say I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, (11:25). Jesus could then ask Do you believe this? (11:26). This is a question each of us must answer.
As We Consider The Comfort Christ Brings To His People, Note. . .
The Critical Timing Our Lord Exhibits. (17-19)
The Verbal Assurance Our Lord Provides. (20-24)
The Personal Claim Our Lord Makes. (25-26)
The Essential Faith Our Lord Requires. (27)
Messages: 9

John 11:38-57: Raising Lazarus, Part 3

John 11:17-27: Raising Lazarus, Part 2

John 11:1-16: Rising Lazarus, Part 1

John 9: And Came Back Seeing

John 6:16-21: Out For a Walk

John 6:1-14: More Than Enough

John 5: A Poolside Healing

John 4:46-54: That Was The Hour