John 2:1-11: The Best For Last
Today, we are beginning a short series in the book of John, titled The Seven Signs. The term signs is the English translation of the Greek word semeion (σημεον), which is the word John used for miracle. The reason why the Apostle John placed emphasis upon signs is addressed in 20:30-31, which states…
Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
The first sign recorded in John’s gospel is the changing of water into wine during a wedding feast in Cana. By performing this sign, we are told that Jesus manifested his glory, and his disciples believed in him (2:11). Let’s examine this extraordinary account together, and apply this passage to modern-day living.
Keep Trusting In God’s Sovereign Purposes…
Even When Resources Seem To Be Diminishing. (1-3)
Even When Timing Seems To Be Unclear. (4-5)
Even When Efforts Seem To Be Futile. (6-8)
Even When Credit Seems To Be Misapplied. (9-11)
Messages: 9

John 11:38-57: Raising Lazarus, Part 3

John 11:17-27: Raising Lazarus, Part 2

John 11:1-16: Rising Lazarus, Part 1

John 9: And Came Back Seeing

John 6:16-21: Out For a Walk

John 6:1-14: More Than Enough

John 5: A Poolside Healing

John 4:46-54: That Was The Hour