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calendar_today October 22, 2023

John 9: And Came Back Seeing

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
menu_book John 9:1-9:41

In these 7 signs, John has been keen to show us that Jesus is the fulfillment of the ceremonial law, the temple system sacrifices, the meaning of all of Israel’s holy days, and Yahweh’s promises and prophecies. He did not merely claim to be God’s Son, the Messiah; he revealed that he is God’s Son, the Messiah.

Another clear and irrefutable marker is revealed in John 9, namely, that the eyes of the blind shall be opened. (Isa 35:5; Matt 11:4-5; Luke 7:22) This kind of physical miracle had never happened before (John 9:32), yet just like the water, the bread, and the other healings, the physical miracles serve mainly to point to a far greater reality about blindness and sight, and a far greater reality about Jesus Christ.
Because Jesus is the light of the world . . .

He can give eyesight to the blind. (1-7)
He can make the blind to see. (8-41)

Messages: 9

John 11:38-57: Raising Lazarus, Part 3

person Dr. Gary Hylander
menu_book John 11:38-11:57
calendar_today November 19, 2023

John 11:17-27: Raising Lazarus, Part 2

person Dr. Gary Hylander
menu_book John 11:17-11:27
calendar_today November 12, 2023

John 11:1-16: Rising Lazarus, Part 1

person Dr. Gary Hylander
menu_book John 11:1-11:16
calendar_today November 5, 2023

John 9: And Came Back Seeing

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
menu_book John 9:1-9:41
calendar_today October 22, 2023

John 6:16-21: Out For a Walk

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
menu_book John 6:16-6:21
calendar_today October 15, 2023

John 6:1-14: More Than Enough

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
calendar_today October 8, 2023

John 5: A Poolside Healing

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
menu_book John 5:1-5:47
calendar_today October 1, 2023

John 4:46-54: That Was The Hour

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
menu_book John 4:46-4:54
calendar_today September 24, 2023

John 2:1-11: The Best For Last

person Pastor Jon MacDonald
menu_book John 2:1-2:11
calendar_today September 17, 2023