Student Ministries

eFree Student Ministries exists to multiply disciples of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, prayer, and the ministry of the Word.

We offer students in grades 6-12 several exciting opportunities to get involved and build your faith! Read on to find out all the details. We hope you’ll follow us on social media and stay in touch! Café-19 is our student ministry space and is located down the main stairs in the lower level, at the end of the hallway.


RISEN is a ministry for students in grades 6-12 that aims to transform lives by proclaiming the resurrected Jesus Christ in all of His grace and glory.

Wednesday Evenings, 6:30pm-8:15pm in Cafe 19, September-May

Doors open on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm for leaders and students to fellowship and eat a delicious meal together in Café 19. After dinner, we enter a time of worship and listen to the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. Then, students break out into small groups and discuss the practical application of the sermon. Small groups are led by godly adults who show up every week to love and pour their lives into students.

You can catch past messages on the RISEN YouTube playlist, SpotifyApple Podcasts, or anywhere podcasts are found.



D(iscipleship)-Group aims to intentionally disciple students in the truths and practices of a mature follower of Jesus so that they may go and do the same for others.

Students in a D-Group commit to meeting weekly for one year with a godly adult. When the group comes together, the meetings follow a strategic order. The group (1) opens in prayer, (2) shares highs and lows from the week, (3) recites memorized portions of Scripture, (4) discusses personal meditations from time spent alone with God throughout the week, (5) confesses sin as well as celebrates victories, and (6) closes in prayer for one another. As the group meets every week over the course of the year, students grow in grace and develop essential habits for a faithful and fruitful life in Christ Jesus.

To join a D-Group, please talk to Michael Vaszily for the next steps.


Bible Quizzing

Students Diving Deep Into Scripture

Wednesday evening practice, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
September – April

Gathering together weekly during the school year to study and memorize Scripture, students on the eFree Bible Quiz Team prepare to compete with other church teams at various fun and fast-paced quiz meets throughout the year!

Through the interactions of the quizzing program, students not only memorize and study large portions of Scripture but learn to interpret scripture correctly and develop a lifestyle and attitude of obedience.

Bible Quizzing Team

Traveling to Meets

During the season, our students host teams as well as travel to meet and compete with teams from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan & Central Wisconsin.

Join Our Team

We’d love to have you join our team! Please email Laurie Homuth at for more information.

Districts Youth Conference

Step Out: Districts Youth Conference 2024
Districts Youth Conference: A Weekend to Connect to God and Others

We always ask our graduating seniors the same question: “During your time in youth ministry, what were some of the most powerful experiences that strengthened your relationship with Jesus?” And without fail, the annual Districts Youth Conference remains one of the top answers.

When thousands of students and leaders gather together to seek the face of God through His Word, prayer, and worship, students come back not only closer to God, but to each other. Nothing accelerates the deepening of friendships between students and leaders quite like a weekend away in pursuit of our God. Districts, then, is a remarkable opportunity to connect both to God and each other in powerful ways, and we desire every student to have this experience!

Serve Sheboygan

Serving Our Neighbors With Extreme and Uncommon Generosity

Our whole church partners together every July for a three-day, at-home outreach event that aims to “Serve Sheboygan” with such extreme and uncommon generosity that our neighbors are tangibly confronted with the radical, self-giving love of Christ. Students and leaders complete various service projects and look for opportunities to pray and share the gospel. At the conclusion of the daily service assignments, students have opportunities to hear challenging messages as well as engage in prayer and small group discussions.

Please follow along with news shared about Serve Sheboygan by following Student Ministries on Instagram.

Serve Sheboygan 2024 Recap

During these three meaningful days from July 18th to 20th, our devoted students and adult leaders came together to serve our neighbors, exemplifying the spirit of Jesus—a true servant. Inspired by His teachings, we passionately embraced the call to be agents of love and compassion, leaving an indelible mark on our community.

Watch the video here for an inspiring summary of events from Serve Sheboygan 2024! We also invite you to view the entire Serve Sheboygan YouTube playlist to see videos from past years by clicking the link below.

Student Ministries Team

Michael Vaszily
Michael Vaszily

Elder and Student Ministries Advisor

Sharing the love, hope and peace of God with the next generation is a great responsibility and privilege. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve as a ministry advisor to both the kids and student ministry programs as we work together to reach the youth of our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We see our role as supporting parents in accomplishing this ever important mission. As a parent of three, I understand the challenges families face today. I also know the amazing impact the true living God can have in helping us (parents) love, teach and train these children in the way they should go. Stop in and check us out. We look forward to partnering with you!