Worship Services

Join Us for Worship on Sunday Mornings

We’re thrilled that you are seeking more information about our worship services and extend a warm welcome. Whether you’re a few minutes early or a few minutes late, you will be greeted by friendly people who can answer your questions. If you are a first-time guest, we would love to offer you a welcome gift.

Coffee and tea are served in the Commons throughout the morning. Come say hello!

8:00 am | Traditional Service

Our 8am service features traditional music and hymns. This service is held in our Worship Center. The same message is shared in all our services.

We take an expository approach to scripture, teaching the Bible verse-by-verse every week. Our worship services last about 70 minutes.

9:30 & 11:00 am | Contemporary Services

Our 9:30 am and 11:00 am services feature contemporary praise and worship music and instrumentation. These services are held in our Multi-Purpose Room. The 9:30 am service is livestreamed each week on YouTube. The same message is shared in all our services.

We take an expository approach to scripture, teaching the Bible verse-by-verse every week. Our worship services last about 70 minutes.

Worship High Res

Location, Parking, & What to Expect

Please see our Start Here page to find more information about visiting us for the first time.

Latest Message

No matter how impressive they are, human achievements can’t earn a person salvation and eternal life with God. Paul had impressive credentials, but his conversion to faith in Christ wasn’t based on what he had done but on God’s grace.

When Paul considered everything he had accomplished in his life, he said it was all “loss” compared to the greatness of knowing Christ. This is a profound statement about values. To know Christ should be our ultimate goal.

Adult Ministries Option

Equip Classes

Sunday morning electives designed to build up the body of Christ

Equip meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30am, and sessions are recorded for your convenience. We want to “Equip” you to be strong in your love for Jesus Christ, to lead in your own home, and to reach out to neighbors with the love of God.

Visit the Equip page to learn more and view current or past series.


Kids Always Welcome

Kids are always welcome in our worship services, and we offer Sunday morning ministry programs for birth to grade 5.

The nursery, open to ages 0-3, is open during all our morning worship services.

During our 9:30 am Contemporary Service, Kickstart Kids Ministry holds classes for children aged 2 through grade 5.

During our 11:00 am Contemporary Service, we have Kickstart Collective for kids in grades 4K-5. This opportunity for kids brings worship alive at their level. Through games, activities, prayer, and music, the lessons come alive, and kids learn how to apply what they’ve learned to their everyday lives.

Parent & Child Dedication

While we do not baptize infants, we do observe Parent and Child Dedications, which are designed to thank God for the blessing of children and ask God to bring the child to saving faith in Jesus Christ. We typically hold Parent and Child dedications at least twice each year during our worship services.


As we reflect on Christ’s finished work on the cross, we invite all who claim Jesus as their Lord and Savior to take communion together.

The Lord’s Table commemorates the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, where salvation was secured. Because of Christ’s finished work regarding salvation, the penalty for sin was paid, the power of sin was broken, and the presence of sin will be abolished. Furthermore, the cross of Christ is the supreme demonstration of God’s love for sinful humanity and is the essential summary of Christian faith (1 Corinthians 2:2).

Meet Our Pastors

Jon MacDonald

Jon MacDonald

Senior Pastor

Torrey Zimmerman

Torrey Zimmerman

Executive & Adult Ministries Pastor

Aaron Brown

Aaron Brown

Pastor of Worship

Jacob Glewen

Jacob Glewen

Pastor of Kids Ministry

Learn More

You can learn more about our pastors as well as elders and deacons on our Leadership and Staff page.
